Title : Determination of Circulating Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus Serotypes in Kenya (2023)
(FMD) is an infectious virus of ungulate animals, affecting Many livestock and wildlife species. The causal agent is a single-strand non-enveloped RNA virus of the family Picornaviridae, genus Aphthovirus. This study intended to document foot-and-mouth disease virus serotypes responsible for reported outbreaks in Kenya (2023). Serotypes were determined by Antigen detection ELISA and geno/topotype was recorded from results for samples submitted to WRL Pirbright Institute. FMDV type O (EA2) was the most predominant followed by SAT1 (I), SAT2 (IV), and A (A GI). Tailored FMD vaccines for Kenya require multivalent formulations (preferably quadrivalent). FMD is endemic in Kenya causing economic losses to both dairy farmers and pastoralists. Knowledge of circulating serotypes is important for control by vaccination, planning, and execution of future management of FMD.