International Conference on
Veterinary Science

August 28-30, 2023 | Online Event
VET 2023

Mahmoud M Elalfy

Mahmoud M Elalfy, Speaker at Veterinary science conferences
King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia
Title : Effect of melatonin treatment on teratogenic effects of oral administration of silver nitrates in female albino rats


Aim: The study was aimed to explore the protective effect of melatonin against silver nitrates induced toxicity in pregnant female rats.

Methods and materials:  Twenty-four pregnant female rats were divided into four groups each group contained six rats weigh 180 to 200 g. Silver nitrates (Sigma Aldrich, USA) was given orally, dissolve in di-ionized water, at dose level 0, 50, 100 ppm equivalent to 1/20 and 1/10 of the LD50 recorded earlier from 6th to 15th days of gestation. On 21st day of pregnancy, blood of dams and pups was collected for serum separation and all feti examination grossly and preserved in ethyl alcohol for skeletal examination and in bouin'ssolution for examination of visceral malformations.
Results: Silver nitrates at different doses were induced delayed ossifications of different bones as of skull bones, supraoccipital and interparital bone plates, sternbrae and fore limb phalanges, vertebrae and rib cage besides the fore and hind limb bones. Melatonin treated group shown no teratogenicity and retain tissue arectecture after combiened treatment with silver nitrates in pregnant female albino rats. The only feature noticed of melatonin treatment on feti was the symenterical length of all feti of each dam but was reduced the length of feti when compared to control group.
Conclusion: It was concluded that silver nitrates at different doses induced skeletal malformation as delayed ossification while melatonin shows similarity to control group especially in bone ossification but the size of bones still smaller than control.


Mahmoud Mohamed Elalfy Elhefnawy graduated from Ali mobark High School in Dikerness Dakahlia, Egypt. I graduated in veterinary medical Sciences and had master work at Mansoura university in forensic medicine and toxicology. Mahmoud Elhefnawy received a scholarship for PhD in Fraunhofer institute for toxicology and experimental medicine (2008-2011). This PhD degree emphasized Molecular Biology, Genetics and imaging modalities in liver cancer with cooperation with excellent cluster research of pharmaco-toxicogenomics institute, pathology and radiology institutes of medical school of Hannover Germany. I later complete my research in University of Mansoura University, Egypt and still share in education, research and reviewing of forensic medicine and toxicology specialist on Mansoura University till 24 may 2023. .  I have cooperation research with Zigzag University, Alexandria University and also in KSA as Abha University. I share in reviewing and also as editorial board of many journals. Finally I join new position in clinical science department, king faisal university, KSA start from  29 may 2023.
